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Smart financing

Our Customers Love Us

Absolutely 100% satisfied with my new Roof. Looks amazing. Jim and his crew were fantastic. Roof was on by 3:00, and an exceptionally thorough clean up after. Highly recommend!

Michael Rabig

I was extremely pleased with the efficient, reasonably priced, and professional service I received from Jim and his team from the time I initially called until the service was complete. I highly recommend this company!

Dawn Howell

Jim responded quickly to my initial call. He came and measured my roof and gave me a detailed quote before he left! Once we accepted the quote we got a beautiful new roof within a few weeks. I can’t recommend Jim and Smart Choice Roofing enough.

Jay Sailors

Jim and his crew were very punctual, the day of installation!! Prior to the day of installation, Jim stayed in touch throughout the process!! I felt at ease. The roof replacement looks Awesome!! Thanks, Smart choice. I definitely recommend this company!!

Charles Williams

Jim and his crew did an outstanding job installing our new roof. After we discovered damage from a storm in January, Jim helped walk us through every step of the process. He was very helpful and professional. His crew did an amazing job with both installation and clean-up. We cannot recommend them enough!

Mary Kay Fraze

Jim McGuff is honest and reliable. His prices are fair and he provides great customer service. His crew did a quality installation and we are very pleased with the results. Highly recommend his company!

Jeff Traver

Met with Jim on a Monday, had a completely new roof on Friday!!! So responsive and such a completely professional finished product!!! I appreciate the price & quality Jim delivered... and his crew was absolutely professional & energetic from the 6:30am arrival until the job was finished. Beyond that, I am very particular about my yard & flower beds... and his team worked tirelessly to make sure every scrap of old roof materials was picked up and cleared. I couldn’t be happier at the job delivered by Smart Choice Roofing!!! Thanks Jim.

Paul Hughes

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