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Smart financing

What Are Seamless Gutters?

If you are looking for the best gutter system in the Montgomery, Alabama area, you should first consider Smart Choice Roofing’s seamless gutters. Seamless gutters are sometimes called continuous gutters because that’s what they are, one continuous gutter. In contrast, regular gutters consist of several pre-cut sections and have joints in between each section. We custom fabricate each section to fit your roof perfectly, leaving no leaking or sagging joints. Learn more about our seamless gutter installation services.

new gutters

Why Seamless Gutters Are Better Than Regular Gutters

You get many advantages when you choose seamless gutters, from saving money on maintenance to improving your home’s curb appeal. When you compare seamless gutters to regular gutters, the choice becomes clear. Seamless gutters are a wise investment for most homeowners who want the best gutter system on the market. The benefits of seamless gutters include:

  • Less Upkeep: Seamless gutters get clogged less often because there are no joints, which often snag leaves and other debris. This means you don’t have to clear your gutters out as often!
  • Fewer Leaks: When it comes to your gutters, leaks most commonly appear at the joints between two sections. By eliminating these joints, we significantly reduce the likelihood of leaks.
  • Longer Life: Seamless gutters last longer than regular gutters, often lasting more than 20 years. This makes them a worthwhile long-term investment.
  • Better Looking: While seamless gutters come in many different styles, they all have an advanced aesthetic appeal. Without joints, your gutters become a sleek and continuous unit that accents your home’s exterior design.

Installing Seamless Gutters in the Montgomery, Alabama Area

If hearing about the benefits of seamless gutters has piqued your interest, Smart Choice Roofing is here to help you explore your options. We have a dedicated team of highly trained roofing contractors who have experience installing seamless gutter systems. The process starts with a meeting and a free estimate. We’ll visit your house, look at your roof, and take measurements. Once you pick your style, we can create a detailed, no-obligation quote for the job. To get started, call us or fill out a contact form.

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