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Smart financing

Residential Roofing in the Montgomery, AL Area

Your roofing materials protect your home from some of the most damaging elements like rain, hail, and harsh ultraviolet rays. Keeping your roof in good shape improves your home’s safety, energy efficiency, and curb appeal. Let Smart Choice Roofing be your provider of residential roofing services in the Montgomery, Alabama area. The next time you need residential roof installation, repair, replacement, or maintenance services, make the smart choice!

residential roofing

Installing and Replacing Your Home’s Roof

Our team provides world-class roofing installation services. Whether you need to replace your outdated roof or install the first roof on your new home, we can do it. With countless shingle options, you can make your home’s roof the envy of the neighborhood. We only work with the best roofing materials. So, you can select any color or style you want with the confidence that your home will be safely protected from the elements for years to come.

Why It’s Important to Repair Damage to Your Roof Right Away

Minor damage to your roof can snowball into a more significant problem before you know it. Your roof acts as a barrier, protecting your home from water damage. When you neglect damage to your roof, no matter how minor, water can begin to seep into your home’s structure. Repairing water damage like rot, mold, and mildew isn’t something any homeowner wants to face. Luckily, we offer free wind and hail damage inspections. So, there’s no risk of getting your roof checked. If there is any damage, our team can repair it for you too.

Increase Your Roof’s Lifespan With Routine Maintenance

Anyone who has installed or replaced their home’s roof knows it is a significant investment. Each additional year you get out of your roof equates to money in your pocket. The best way to maximize the lifespan of your roof is through routine maintenance. Cleaning gutters, inspecting for damage and making minor repairs each year will keep your roof in peak condition. Annual maintenance often catches problems with your roof before they cause more costly damage.

Get Your Free Residential Roofing Estimate Today!

The next time you need residential roofing services, work with a local team of highly skilled roofing contractors. We are licensed, bonded, and insured. So, you know you will get exceptional work from us every time. We offer free estimates for all services because we believe we have the most competitive prices in the area. To get your free roofing estimate, fill out a contact form or call us directly.

Get Your Free Roofing Estimate Today!