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Smart financing

Roof Replacement Services That Last

A roof can last anywhere from 10 to 30 years, but it will eventually need to be replaced. When you hire a team to replace your roof, you are making an investment for decades to come. Smart Choice Roofing is a licensed, insured, and bonded roof replacement team in the Montgomery, Alabama area. We give each roofing project our undivided attention. By putting our whole team to work for you, we can provide you with reliable craftsmanship, affordable prices, and high-quality materials. Work with us and make your next roof replacement a masterpiece.

Aerial view of roof construction repairman

When Should I Replace My Roof?

You may hear people quote the expected lifespan of a roof, but that doesn’t really help you know when to replace your roof. Each roof is different, and various factors will affect your particular roof’s lifespan. Some signs of a compromised roof may only be identifiable by a professional roof inspector like ours. However, there are some common signs that a roof needs replaced. Those signs include:

  • Leaks or signs of water damage
  • Loose, cracked, or missing shingles
  • Damage from severe weather
  • Your roof is older than its average lifespan
restoration of a historic wooden house

The Smart Choice Roofing Roof Replacement Process

When we help you replace your roof, we follow a step-by-step process, so you can know what to expect each step of the way. From giving you a free estimate to cleaning up afterward, our team makes every step along the way exciting and stress-free. The steps of our roof replacement process include:

  • Planning Your Project: We’ll meet with you to take measurements, help you select the right type of shingles, and schedule a time for your roof replacement.
  • Removing Your Old Roof: We’ll prepare the space for your new roof by removing your existing roof.
  • Installing a New Roof: We’ll lay down the substrate and install the roofing shingles you selected.
  • Cleaning Up: We’ll remove any tools, equipment, or leftover supplies, leaving your yard exactly how we found it.

Schedule Your Free Roof Replacement Estimate Today!

If you are not sure if it’s time to replace your roof yet, let one of our roof inspectors help you decide. We will assess the condition of your roof and give you our professional recommendation, including a detailed estimate. If we can preserve your current roof with simple repairs, we’ll do that. However, if it’s time to replace your roof, there’s no better team to have on your side. To get your free roof replacement estimate, call us or fill out a contact form.

Get Your Free Roofing Estimate Today!