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Find the Answers to Your Roofing Questions

Whether you’re seeking estimates for roof work or you’re filing an insurance claim for roof damage caused by a storm, we understand you may have questions about the process. Our team at Smart Choice Roofing has many years of experience with all kinds of roof work, and we’re happy to provide answers to the questions we get frequently. Read on to learn more.

How long a roof lasts depends on different factors such as the materials used and the weather conditions it’s exposed to. As a general rule, when installed by a professional roofer at Smart Choice Roofing who follows all guidelines, an asphalt shingle roof has a lifespan of about 20 years, while metal roofs last about 40-50 years. Most roofs last 20-30 years if not damaged by Alabama weather. Our GAF lifetime roofing system roofs have a lifetime warranty.

The cost of a new roof will depend on the size of the roof and the choice of materials. For example, it’s cheaper to cover a roof with asphalt shingles than to use metal. Additional needs such as new roof decking or gutters will also increase the cost. Contact us for an estimate on a new roof for your home.

For residential homes, we install asphalt shingles and metal roofs. For commercial buildings, we specialize in flat roof products such as modified bitumen.

Every homeowner’s insurance policy is different, but home insurance typically covers damage to the home by any weather or accidents unrelated to general wear and tear. Insurance won’t cover replacing a roof due to age, but if a hail storm damages it, that is usually covered.

First and foremost, ensure everyone is safe, and don’t stay in the house unless you have confirmation that the roof is stable. Contact your insurance company to file a claim. They usually send out an adjuster to inspect the damage and estimate repair costs. Contact a reputable roofer such as Smart Choice Roofing to have the damage thoroughly inspected by roofing specialists.

Yes, we have years of experience helping homeowners through storm damage and working directly with their insurance companies on roof claims. As trained roofers, we often find damage or issues overlooked by adjusters and work to make sure your roof is repaired correctly.

We are. Properly licensing ensures that we follow all construction guidelines and codes to complete jobs appropriately. We carry the appropriate insurance to protect our employees and your property from any accidental injury or harm.

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